December 15, 2022

Time-Saving Techniques for Active Entrepreneurs

Ever wondered how people manage juggling a business, a family, and a regular job?

Then you are not alone.

New bloggers and small company entrepreneurs frequently ask this question.

I’ll include 19 time-saving tips in this article.

You can manage your blog or business, your family, and your 9-to-5 job with the help of these productivity hacks and time-saving techniques.

Sleepless nights, skipping your children’s soccer games, or quitting your job and going all-in before you’re ready are NOT necessary when building a business.

In truth, many people successfully juggle a full-time job, a family, and their business.

Those who opt to construct something alternative since they don’t fit the conventional 9-to-5 model.

Unfortunately, the internet and social media have elevated “the hustle” to the point that its meaning has changed, and staying up late to grow a business is now considered admirable.

The words “entrepreneur” and “success” have somehow come to be associated with the word “hustle.”

Being a successful business should not entail working tirelessly and fighting for every penny.

Building a business and a life you enjoy also doesn’t require you to give up your health, your family, or your employment.

In order to assist you to balance your business, your family, and your full-time work, I’m offering these techniques. You can refer to them as productivity hacks or time hacks.

In either case, I believe you’ll find these 19 suggestions useful for keeping track of all the balls you’ve got in the air.


All of us have periods of idleness throughout the day.

Every day, you probably spend at least 30 minutes (if not more) waiting about, whether it’s in line, at the doctor’s office, or while commuting.

Make the most of that time by being productive rather than wasting it messing around on social media or playing video games.

Here are some suggestions to help you make the most of your downtime.

1. Acquire Knowledge During Morning Routine

You have the chance to turn the time you spend getting ready in the morning—if it involves more than just brushing your teeth and donning some clothes—into productive learning time.

Every morning while getting ready, Use the tablet to watch a training video or phone to listen to an audiobook or podcast.

2. Write on Your Morning Drive

During your commute, download a recording app (such as Voice Recorder) to your phone and dictate blog entries and emails.

The recordings can subsequently be converted into text utilizing incredibly low-cost services.

You’ll be surprised at how much easier the words flow when you talk naturally as opposed to sitting at your computer in front of a blank screen. The transcripts do need some cleaning up and editing, though.

Additionally, your writing reads more conversationally and your personality comes across much better.

3. While waiting, clean out your inbox.

Jump into your email inbox whenever you find yourself waiting, and begin organizing.

An annoyance transforms overnight into a chance to catch up.

Is your pal running behind on lunch? Sweet!

You’ve been put on hold by your cable company for the foreseeable future? Sweet!

The Christmas program for your kids has been postponed because they can’t locate the eighth reindeer. Sweet!

You can deal with a few emails and clear your inbox during that “lost time.”

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